More about Outdoor Nature & STEM

Here are some specifics about how this works

colors in the sky

Outdoor Science & Nature: Where You Live (all ages)

You share some basic information about outdoor venues available to your kids (yard, neighborhood, parks, etc.). If there are specific areas of interest, share that as well.

Each week, I give your kids a customized activity that I’ve created. We can build in an audio/video call or they can share pictures from their adventure.


  • Scavenger Hunt

  • Bingo Cards

  • Guided Science query (“Is the sky blue?”)

  • Sensory Activities

  • Nature Adventure

I’ll make new activities based on your feedback. Love something? Find it interesting? Let me know!

Outdoor Science & Nature Activities: Where You Live
from $25.00

Scientific Inquiry & STEM at Home (pre-K through Grade 8)

We set up a time for a video conference call so I can explain the Scientific principles and do a brief demonstration. Kids have a chance to ask questions and clarify the goals for the challenge.

Here’s what happens at home:

  1. They use the Scientific Method to create a Hypothesis, test it, gather data, and develop their conclusion.

  2. As they go, they’re welcome to connect with me to share progress, ask questions, and get help to solve problems.

  3. They report back to me to share their results.

If they love the topic, we can always extend it. If they’re bored, we move on to the next topic and challenge.

Scientific Inquiry & STEM at Home
from $25.00

I’ve been an experiential educator since 1994 and my BA in Education focused on project-based learning. My work has included leading youth into the backcountry on wilderness expeditions, 14 years teaching Outdoor and Environmental Science in residential Outdoor School programs, and 10 years teaching in K-8 classrooms. You are welcome to join in on the calls with your kids, or have them on speakerphone to hear what we’re working on. I know the importance of safety for your children and want you to know that I hold current certificates through the NWRESD, Youth Protection Training, and I get an annual background check done for my summer camp job. If you have any questions, please ask.