Intergenerational Communication
Help bridge the gap between generations so your work teams can thrive
Have you noticed a disconnect between the older and younger generations of staff in the workplace?
Many younger workers think of themselves as “the CEO and the customer”. They have a large amount of confidence and think they know how their job should look and what should be expected of them. When they’re asked to be on time, to give 100%, to do tasks that are undesirable or tedious, they hesitate or push back. Let’s be clear- none of us want to do those jobs. Many older workers think they should just “get with the game” and stop complaining.
The truth is, we have something to learn from each generation.
Baby Boomers- sometimes ‘work’ is boring and tough. You have to find ways to work through it.
Perseverance will pay off.
Gen X- sometimes fighting the system is necessary. There are always ways to creatively solve a problem.
Resilience is a useful tool.
Millenials- sometimes you need to do a thing on your own. Having options allows you to make choices.
Work-life balance is important.
Gen Z- sometimes you need a guide so you know what to do. Each person needs something different.
Compassion is key.
Intergenerational Coaching
More and more leaders and managers are reaching out to me for support managing their staff. As an experienced manager, facilitator, and trainer, I can see all the sides. We need to help the younger workforce know “how to do a job” before we get into the details of “how to do this job.” We need to help the older workforce see the value in honoring individual perspectives and adapting. Just because we “have always” doesn’t mean we “should”.
Tell me more about how I can help with your intergenerational team: 541-921-7235